Crypto Faucet Rotator

// ==UserScript== // @name Hourly Faucets Crypto Rotator // @namespace Hourly Faucets Crypto Rotator // @version 0.5 // @description Auto Login Hourly Faucet Rotator // @author engageub // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @connect // @connect // @connect // @connect // @connect // @connect // @connect // @connect // @connect // @connect // @connect // @connect // @connect // @connect // @connect // @connect // @connect // @connect // @connect // @connect // @connect // @connect // @connect // @connect // @connect // @connect // @connect // @noframes // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest // ==/UserScript== (function() { 'use strict'; //Do not run if it is a pop up window if({ return; } //========================================================================================================================== //List of the faucet websites //Comment the lines of url if you don't use them //Enter your login and password if you wish you login automatically //You need to be careful while inputting the login and password in order to avoid account locks var websiteData = [ {url : "", login: "", password: ""}, // Ex: login: "", password: "test@123" {url : "", login: "", password: ""}, {url : "", login: "", password: ""}, {url : "", login: "", password: ""}, {url : "", login: "", password: ""}, {url : "", login: "", password: ""}, {url : "", login: "", password: ""}, {url : "", login: "", password: ""}, {url : "", login: "", password: ""}, {url : "", login: "", password: ""}, {url : "", login: "", password: ""}, {url : "", login: "", password: ""}, {url : "", login: "", password: ""}, {url : "", login: "", password: ""}, {url : "", login: "", password: ""}, {url : "", login: "", password: ""}, {url : "", login: "", password: ""}, {url : "", login: "", password: ""}, {url : "", login: "", password: ""}, {url : "", login: "", password: ""}, {url : "", login: "", password: ""}, {url : "", login: "", password: ""}, {url : "", login: "", password: ""}, {url : "", login: "", password: ""}, {url : "", login: "", password: ""}, {url : "", login: "", password: ""}, ]; //========================================================================================================================== //Message selectors are for success or failure to move on to the next website //Add only domain name in website as mentioned below. Follow the same pattern. //Use arrays wherever it is required //Login Selectors are in the format email,password and button var websiteMap = [ {website : ["","", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""], defaultButtonSelectors: [""], loginSelectors:["",".form-control.password",""], allMessageSelectors: [".alert.alert-success",".alert.alert-danger",".result"], timeoutMessageSelectors: [".timeout-wrapper .seconds .digits", ".timeout-wrapper .minutes .digits"], messagesToCheckBeforeMovingToNextUrl: ["You must to wait","has been sent","You have received", "countdown to next roll"]}, {website : ["",""], loginSelectors:["#loginform .form-control[type=email]","#loginform .form-control[type=password]","#loginbutton"], loginCaptcha : true, captchaButtonSubmitSelectors: ["#loginbutton","#roll",".btn.btn-success"], allMessageSelectors: [".alert.alert-success",".alert.alert-danger",".result"], timeoutMessageSelectors: ["#cislo1","#cislo2"], messagesToCheckBeforeMovingToNextUrl: ["You must to wait","has been sent","You have received"]}, {website : ["",""], loginSelectors:["#inputEmail","#inputPassword","#login_button"], loginCaptcha : true, captchaButtonSubmitSelectors: ["#login_button",".btn.btn-info:last-of-type"], allMessageSelectors: [".alert.alert-success",".alert.alert-danger",".result", "#modal_header_msg"], timeoutMessageSelectors: ["#cislo1","#cislo2"], messagesToCheckBeforeMovingToNextUrl: ["You must to wait","has been sent","You have received"]}, {website : [""], loginSelectors:["#login_form_btc_address","#login_form_password","#login_button"], captchaButtonSubmitSelectors: ["#free_play_form_button"], allMessageSelectors: [".alert.alert-success",".alert.alert-danger",".result"], timeoutMessageSelectors: ["#time_remaining"], messagesToCheckBeforeMovingToNextUrl: ["You must to wait","has been sent","You have received"]}, {website : ["", "", ""], defaultButtonSelectors: ["a[href='login']"], loginSelectors:["input[type=text]","input[type=password]","input[type=submit]"], captchaButtonSubmitSelectors: [".btn.btn-primary"], allMessageSelectors: [".alert.alert-success",".alert.alert-danger", "#newClaim"], timeoutMessageSelectors: ["#time_remaining"], messagesToCheckBeforeMovingToNextUrl: ["You must to wait","You have won","You have received"], additionalFunctions: usdFaucets}, {website : [""], beforeLoginButton: ["#navbarsExampleDefault > ul.nav.navbar-nav.navbar-right > li:nth-child(3) > a"], loginSelectors: ["input[type=text]", "input[type=password]", "button[type=submit]"], loginCaptcha : true, defaultButtonSelectors: [], toggleCaptchaSelector:[".form-control.form-control-sm.custom-select.mb-1"], toggleCaptchaSelectorIndex: 1, captchaButtonSubmitSelectors: ["button[type=submit]","button[type=button]", "",".btn.btn-primary.btn-block.btn-lg"], allMessageSelectors: [".alert.alert-success",".alert.alert-danger"], messagesToCheckBeforeMovingToNextUrl: ["can claim again","you won"], timeoutbeforeMovingToNextUrl: 160000}, {website : [""], defaultButtonSelectors:["#roll-button"], allMessageSelectors: [".alert.alert-success",".alert.alert-danger",".result"], timeoutMessageSelectors: ["#time_remaining"], messagesToCheckBeforeMovingToNextUrl: ["You must to wait","has been sent","You have received"], timeoutbeforeMovingToNextUrl: 16000}, ]; //HtmlEvents dispatcher function triggerEvent(el, type) { try{ var e = document.createEvent('HTMLEvents'); e.initEvent(type, false, true); el.dispatchEvent(e); }catch(exception){ console.log(exception); } } function toggleCaptcha(selector, index){ if( document.querySelector(selector)){ document.querySelector(selector).selectedIndex = index; } var targetNode = document.querySelector(selector); if (targetNode) { setTimeout(function() { triggerEvent(targetNode, 'change'); }, 5000); } } //Check if a string is present in Array String.prototype.includesOneOf = function(arrayOfStrings) { //If this is not an Array, compare it as a String if (!Array.isArray(arrayOfStrings)) { return this.toLowerCase().includes(arrayOfStrings.toLowerCase()); } for (var i = 0; i < arrayOfStrings.length; i++) { if (this.toLowerCase().includes(arrayOfStrings[i].toLowerCase())) { return true; } } return false; } var websiteDataValues = {}; //Get selector details from the websiteMap for (let value of Object.values(websiteMap)) { if(window.location.href.includesOneOf({ websiteDataValues.beforeLoginButton = value.beforeLoginButton; websiteDataValues.inputTextSelector= value.inputTextSelector; websiteDataValues.inputTextSelectorButton = value.inputTextSelectorButton; websiteDataValues.defaultButtonSelectors = value.defaultButtonSelectors; websiteDataValues.claimButtonSelector = value.claimButtonSelector; websiteDataValues.captchaButtonSubmitSelectors = value.captchaButtonSubmitSelectors; websiteDataValues.loginSelectors = value.loginSelectors; websiteDataValues.loginCaptcha = value.loginCaptcha; websiteDataValues.allMessageSelectors = value.allMessageSelectors; websiteDataValues.messagesToCheckBeforeMovingToNextUrl = value.messagesToCheckBeforeMovingToNextUrl; websiteDataValues.withdrawPageUrl = value.withdrawPageUrl; websiteDataValues.withdrawEnabled = value.withdrawEnabled; websiteDataValues.balanceSelector = value.balanceSelector; websiteDataValues.withdrawMinAmount = value.withdrawMinAmount; websiteDataValues.successMessageSelectors = value.successMessageSelectors; websiteDataValues.toggleCaptchaSelector = value.toggleCaptchaSelector; websiteDataValues.toggleCaptchaSelectorIndex = value.toggleCaptchaSelectorIndex; websiteDataValues.timeoutbeforeMovingToNextUrl = value.timeoutbeforeMovingToNextUrl; websiteDataValues.timeoutMessageSelectors = value.timeoutMessageSelectors; websiteDataValues.additionalFunctions = value.additionalFunctions; break; } } //Identify which coin to input, based on the url input //If the URL does not contain the coin, then use the default from the domain name var count = 0; var addressAssigned = false; for (let value of Object.values(websiteData)) { count = count + 1; if(window.location.href.includes("/" + value.regex)){ addressAssigned = true; break; } } var login = ""; var password = ""; //If URL does not have coin, check the default from the domain name if(!addressAssigned){ count = 0; for (let value of Object.values(websiteData)) { count = count + 1; if(value.url.includes(window.location.hostname)){ login = value.login; password = value.password; break; } } } //Get the next Url from the website data map async function getNextUrl(){ //Go to the beginning if the end of the array is reached if(count >= websiteData.length){ websiteDataValues.nextUrl = websiteData[0].url; }else{ websiteDataValues.nextUrl = websiteData[count].url; } //Ping Test to check if a website is up before proceeding to next url pingTest(websiteDataValues.nextUrl); } var isNextUrlReachable = false; //Get the next Url from the website function pingTest(websiteUrl) { GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: "GET", url: websiteUrl, headers: { "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" }, timeout: 5000, onload: function(response) { //Website is reachable isNextUrlReachable = true; }, onerror: function(e) { count=count+1; getNextUrl(); }, ontimeout: function() { count=count+1; getNextUrl(); }, }); } async function delay(ms) { return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms)) } var movingToNextUrl = false; async function goToNextUrl() { if(!movingToNextUrl){ movingToNextUrl = true; getNextUrl(); while (!isNextUrlReachable) { await delay(3000); } window.location.href = websiteDataValues.nextUrl; } } async function goToWithdrawPage() { if(!movingToNextUrl){ movingToNextUrl = true; window.location.href = websiteDataValues.withdrawPageUrl; } } //Default Setting: After 120 seconds go to next Url var delayBeforeMovingToNextUrl = 120000; if(websiteDataValues.timeoutbeforeMovingToNextUrl){ delayBeforeMovingToNextUrl = websiteDataValues.timeoutbeforeMovingToNextUrl; } setTimeout(function(){ goToNextUrl(); },delayBeforeMovingToNextUrl); function checkTimeoutMessageSelectors(){ if(websiteDataValues.timeoutMessageSelectors){ var checkTimeoutInterval = setInterval(function(){ for(let i=0; i< websiteDataValues.timeoutMessageSelectors.length; i++){ if(document.querySelector(websiteDataValues.timeoutMessageSelectors[i]) && document.querySelector(websiteDataValues.timeoutMessageSelectors[i]).innerText.length > 1) { goToNextUrl(); clearInterval(checkTimeoutInterval); break; } } },5000); } } //Returns true if message selectors are present function messageSelectorsPresent(){ if(websiteDataValues.allMessageSelectors){ for(var j=0;j 0 && password.length > 0){ //Input Login document.querySelector(websiteDataValues.loginSelectors[0]).value = login; //Input Password document.querySelector(websiteDataValues.loginSelectors[1]).value = password; //Click Login Button (No Captcha before login button) if(!websiteDataValues.loginCaptcha){ movingToNextUrl = true; document.querySelector(websiteDataValues.loginSelectors[2]).click(); } } } } } //Special Usecase for Recaptcha Login var callbackDefinedForRecaptcha = false; for(let i=0; i< document.querySelectorAll(".g-recaptcha").length;i++){ if(document.querySelectorAll(".g-recaptcha")[i].getAttribute("data-callback")){ var currentCallback = document.querySelectorAll(".g-recaptcha")[i].getAttribute("data-callback"); let script_callback= document.createElement('script'); script_callback.type= 'text/javascript'; script_callback.innerText = 'var recaptcha_callback' + i + ' = function(response){currentCallback(response); document.querySelector(".g-recaptcha").setAttribute("value",response)}'; let body = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]; body.appendChild(script_callback); document.querySelectorAll(".g-recaptcha")[i].setAttribute("data-callback","recaptcha_callback"+i); }else{ if(!callbackDefinedForRecaptcha){ callbackDefinedForRecaptcha = true; let script_callback= document.createElement('script'); script_callback.type= 'text/javascript'; script_callback.innerText = 'var recaptcha_callback = function(response){ document.querySelector(".g-recaptcha").setAttribute("value",response)}'; let body = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]; body.appendChild(script_callback); } document.querySelectorAll(".g-recaptcha")[i].setAttribute("data-callback","recaptcha_callback"); } } checkTimeoutMessageSelectors(); function usdFaucets(){ if(window.location.href.includes("dashboard")){ if(document.querySelector("a[href='faucet']")){ movingToNextUrl = true; document.querySelector("a[href='faucet']").click(); } } } setTimeout(function(){ if(!movingToNextUrl && websiteDataValues.beforeLoginButton){ for(let i=0;i websiteDataValues.withdrawMinAmount && !window.location.href.includes(websiteDataValues.withdrawPageUrl)) { goToWithdrawPage(); } }else{ if(successMessageSelectorsPresent()){ goToWithdrawPage(); } } } //Look for all the default messages or errors before proceeding to next url //For other languages difference in the length of the strings can be compared or visibility of the style element if(!movingToNextUrl && messageSelectorsPresent()){ goToNextUrl(); } //Check for all the default button selectors and click //This will only click the first selector found, so mention the selectors with parent element wherever required if(!movingToNextUrl && websiteDataValues.defaultButtonSelectors){ for(let i=0;i 0 || document.querySelector(".g-recaptcha").getAttribute("value").length > 0){ if(websiteDataValues.captchaButtonSubmitSelectors){ for(let i=0;i< websiteDataValues.captchaButtonSubmitSelectors.length;i++){ if(document.querySelector(websiteDataValues.captchaButtonSubmitSelectors[i])){ document.querySelector(websiteDataValues.captchaButtonSubmitSelectors[i]).click(); } } } clicked = true; clearInterval(captchaInterval); setTimeout(function(){ if(messageSelectorsPresent()){ goToNextUrl(); } },5000); } }catch(e){ } for(var hc=0; hc < document.querySelectorAll("iframe").length; hc++){ if(! clicked && document.querySelectorAll("iframe")[hc] && document.querySelectorAll("iframe")[hc].getAttribute("data-hcaptcha-response") && document.querySelectorAll("iframe")[hc].getAttribute("data-hcaptcha-response").length > 0) { if(websiteDataValues.captchaButtonSubmitSelectors){ for(let i=0;i< websiteDataValues.captchaButtonSubmitSelectors.length;i++){ if(document.querySelector(websiteDataValues.captchaButtonSubmitSelectors[i])){ document.querySelector(websiteDataValues.captchaButtonSubmitSelectors[i]).click(); } } } clicked = true; clearInterval(captchaInterval); setTimeout(function(){ if(messageSelectorsPresent()){ goToNextUrl(); } },5000); } } },5000); },7000); })();

Airdrop - Earn Free bitcoin 2019! | Match365

Earn Daily Bitcoin (BTC) by way of predict soccer game and sharing Your referral link to invite people download and use Match365 App.

Earn free crypto! | Highest Paying Crypto Faucets 2019

Earn crypto for free! All of this are paying and legit crypto faucets. join now!

Earn free BAT token | Brave Browser

Brave works on a reward system which can be used by any website owner or YouTube creator to earn the BAT token.

Pivot App – Earn Free Bitcoin 2019 |

Earn bitcoin | Predict and read to win PVT everyday! PIVOT is a community for cryptocurrency.

iRazoo - Earn money for free | Review

iRazoo is reward site that lets you earn in many ways. You can exchange your points for paypal and gift cards to 100’s of stores.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Match365 - Earn Free bitcoin 2019! | Match365 SCAM OR LEGIT REVIEW!

Match365 Airdrop, Tutorial As Below
Step 1: Register Match365 Account
– Register at:

– Click on Sign In Here’:  login with Your google account
Step 2: Download Match365 App
– Download Match365 App: Android App Or IOS App
– After download App successfully: Open App, press on ‘The Three Horizontal Lines’ icon and login Your account that registered at Step 1
– Then select ‘Hot’ item: Like and comment any post
– Check Your wallet on App: You have got 100 MBCTokens

– Click on ‘Invite’ to get Your referral link
Step 3: Referral Rewards – Earn Daily Bitcoin (BTC)
– Earn Daily Bitcoin (BTC) by way share Your referral link to invite people download and use Match365 App
– Like Facebook page and share (Optional):
– Join Telegram group and channel (Optional):      Telegram Channel    &    Telegram Chat
About Match365
Match365 brings you the fastest live soccer scores from 800+ worldwide leagues. Personalized news and notifications make it easy to follow the fixtures of your favorite teams and players. Turn on push notifications to receive goal updates make sure you never miss a moment, no matter where you are.
Features include:
• Live scores and match stats
• Community Talks
• Pre-match lineups
• Personalized news content and push notifications for your favorite teams and players
• Coverage for over 800 competitions including: Premier League, La Liga, Serie A, Bundesliga (1, 2 & 3), Ligue 1, MLS, USL, Champions League, Liga MX, FA Women’s Super League, Eredivisie, FA Cup, UEFA Nations League, the Championship, EFL, Scottish Premier League, and more.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Earn free crypto! | Highest Paying Crypto Faucets 2019

Hello guys, I want to share this FREE Bitcoin, FREE Etherium, FREE Dogecoin faucets. All of this are paying and legit crypto faucets. I already claimed it and transfer to my coinbase wallet. See below link and start earnings of you. Good luck and happy earnings!

The only multi-cryptocurrency raffle game with a 100% fair algorithm which gives all players equal odds for unlimited rewards. You can claimed 6000BCH, 9,000GWE, 2,000LITOSHI in there etherium faucet.

This free game that you can win Ethereum same with and . You don‘t have to spend any money, it‘s free and you can win more than 200$ each hour!. It depend on the number. If you roll 10000 you win 200$, but if you want to win more you can multiply your ethereum in our Multiply game. Enjoy!

Please fill in the captcha below and click the ROLL button to get your free bitcoins. The amount of free bitcoins that you get will depend on the number that you roll and paid out according to the payout table below. You can come back and play every hour to win free bitcoins each time!

Please fill in the captcha below and click the ROLL button to get your free dogecoins. The amount of free dogecoins that you get will depend on the number that you roll and paid out according to the payout table below. You can come back and play every hour to win free dogecoins each time!

All you have to do is enter your Ethereum address and solve the captcha!
We're giving away ETH every 60 minutes!

2000 gwei (30%) 3500 gwei (65%) 10000 gwei (3%) 25000 gwei (1.9%) 50000 gwei (0.099%) 5000000 gwei (0.001%) 

All you have to do is enter your Ethereum address and solve the captcha!

We're giving away 375 ETH every 5 minutes! Cashout via Faucethub

All you have to do is enter your Ethereum address and solve the captcha!

We're giving away 375 ETH every 5 minutes! Cashout via Faucethub

Pivot App – Earn Free Bitcoin 2019 |

What is Pivot App or

Pivot is a community from China for cryptocurrency investors. Its Chinese version is well operated. Pivot provides cryptocurrency markets, prices and charts in real time of more than 1400 cryptocurrencies and the freshest blockchain news. Pivot App aim to help investors communicate more efficiently with each other and with startups in the blockchain industry.

Pivot has received investment finance from Binance and other famous cryptocurrency funds. Up to now, nearly one hundred startups and hundreds of business leaders in the blockchain industry have opened official accounts in Pivot. And more than 100k investors are using to guide their investments.

How to earn Free Bitcoin From Pivot App or

    1. Open this Link in chrome Mobile/ Desktop Browser.
    2. pivot app
    3. Login with your Google Account and Then Continue and it will redirect you to Play Store to Download App.
    4. If not just click on Download The Pivot App Button. Or download from Google Play Store
      Open Pivot App and go to profile section and Login with the Same Google Account which you used in your default browser to download pivot app.
      pivot app
    5. Now go again in your pivot App Profile section and click on daily Task for Power
      pivot app
    6. Click on a post or in your Pivot App Click on Pivot Icon from the bottom and Open READ AND SHARE FOR POWER Option.
      pivot app
    7. Open Article and scroll at the bottom of the article and click GET READ POWER, Instantly you will get 200 Pivot power
    8. Move to Bottom and then Just Click on GET READ POWER and you will get 200 Power Instantly.
      pivot app
    9. Go back and do it Again – You can Earn Maximum 4000 Power in a Day by Reading Articles

After Getting 4000 Powers Successfully, Just go to Profile section and Click on Invite Option and Share your Refer Link on Social Media, if your friend joins you will Get 10000 Powers as Referal Per Refer.

New Daily BTC Bonus pool (4 bitcoin) will be distributed at 4:00 (GMT+0) the next day.
You will get assured Bitcoin Amount after every lucky draw at Given time.

PIVOT - Refer a new friend
Invite, predict and read to win PVT everyday! PIVOT is a community for cryptocurrency investors.

Pivot App Proof

Pivot App – Payments Proof

How to Withdraw Money From Pivot App

Pivot app Bitcoin Payment Proof

*Credited to the owner of images*

iRazoo - Earn money for free | Review

Today I’d like to cover a site called iRazoo that’s been around for a while, but just went under new ownership in 2016. Since the new owners have taken over, a lot of changes have happened for the better.
If you’re not familiar with the site, iRazoo is reward site that lets you earn in many ways. You can exchange your points for gift cards to 100’s of stores.
In this iRazoo Review, I’ll cover how to earn, how to get paid, and make sure this site is a legitimate way to make money online!

iRazoo Review

irazoo review is it a scam or legitimateSite: iRazoo
Type: Reward Site
Verdict: Legitimate
In this iRazoo review, I marked them legitimate. As mentioned, over the last year or so the new ownership has made a lot of improvements on this site including fixing some major complaints from the previous owners.
I like that they offer lots of ways to earn and tons of ways to cash out. They also offer payments via PayPal which is always a plus.
Overall, it’s a legitimate reward site, but I do recommend other sites over it.

How To Earn at iRazoo

iRazoo has tons of ways to earn, I’ve covered the ways below!
Search &amp; Earn: Similar to Swagbucks search. You’ll occasionally earn 1-25 points on a qualifying search. You do not earn for every search, just some.
Play Games: You’ll earn a few points for playing each game plus a bonus if you can reach a set score.
Answer Surveys: Has tons of surveys available. Most surveys pay $.50-$2.50 and take 10-3o minutes to complete.
Complete Offers: They have free and paid offers available. Free offers pay $.25-$2 and require you to sign-up for a site or mailing list. Paid offers pay $2.50-$10+ and require you to make a purchase or sign-up for a free credit card trial.
Watch Videos: Get paid to watch movie trailers and other ads. Usually, a few 30-second videos can make you $.01-$.03.
Download Apps: Get paid to download apps on your smartphone. Most of these pay from $.15-$1.
Refer Friends: Your friend will earn a 5oo point bonus just for signing up, and you’ll earn 500 points once they earn 1,000 points.
Input this code and get 500 points free.
Referal code : EKL23V
Promo Codes: Follow iRazoo on social media and their blog to find promo codes you can enter for easy points.

iRazoo Rewards

irazoo rewardsAs mentioned, iRazoo has tons of reward options, most of them starting at $5. They also have PayPal payments starting at $20.
When you request a cash out you’ll receive it within seven days, iRazoo releases gift cards every Tuesday. Gift cards are delivered to your email address, while PayPal payments show up directly in your account.

iRazoo Payment Proof

Today I’d like to show you proof of the latest $5 Amazon Gift Card I redeemed from iRazoo. Unfortunately, they use a different company to deliver their rewards so the screenshot doesn’t say anything about iRazoo. With that being said I did receive an email with the reward in it so I’ll include a screenshot of that as well.
irazoo payment proof
irazoo email

iRazoo Complaints

Odd Point System

I’ve never been a huge fan of sites that use points, especially when the points have odd values. For example, a $5 gift card costs 3,000 points, why not just make it 5,000.
Either way, not a huge deal, the site has become much more user-friendly since the upgrade, just something that irritates me some.

Cash Payments

As you all know, I’m a huge fan of getting paid via PayPal and not gift cards. Although iRazoo does offer PayPal payments, they don’t start until $20 or 12,000 points.
Not a huge deal since they have gift card rewards for cheaper, but if you’re looking to get paid cash quick, this probably isn’t for you.

Is iRazoo A Scam?

iRazoo is not a scam, it’s legitimate, and since the new ownership has taken over, there’s been a lot of great changes. I have to say iRazoo is not my favorite reward site, but it’s a pretty good one that’s legitimate.
If you’d like to learn more or to join, visit to get signed up for free! You’ll earn 500 bonus points just for signing up!
If iRazoo isn’t for you, make sure to check out the other extra income sites I use to earn money or check out how you can start your own online business and make much more!
Do you think iRazoo is a scam or legitimate? I’d love to hear your thoughts on this review in the comments section below!

Earn free BAT token | Brave Browser

Brave browser: This is a popular browser among users who value their security and privacy. This browser is available on all the platform including Android and iOS. Brave works on a reward system which can be used by any website owner or YouTube creator to earn the BAT token. You can, later on, sell this BAT token for bitcoin or fiat money. In this tutorial, I’m sharing everything about how you can earn BAT token with your Web site YouTube or Twitch channel.

Brave Publisher Program: Everything You Need to Know

Brave offers a publisher program which is available for any website owner, YouTuber or Twitcher. The process of getting started with Brave attention token publisher program is fast and easy.
Overall, this is a setup and forget kind of system and something everyone with a website, YouTube channel or Twitch channel should use. I have earned 500+ BAT token which is worth $100.
Here is a screenshot; notice two things :
  • Added my website to Brave Publisher program 
  • Earning until now: 526.80 BAT ($100+)
BAT token

It took about a year and a half, but the key here is; after the initial setup, I never had to log in to my Brave publisher account.
Isn’t it cool to have multiple revenue sources, especially when you don’t have to do anything?
You can also increase this earning by recommending your readers to use Brave as their main web-browser. They are running a promo where they are offering $5 for every qualified user who installs and starts using the Brave browser on your recommendation. You can activate and grab this deal as well from your Brave publisher dashboard.
I believe by now you have enough details on how this works and rest of it you will be able to figure out once you start following this tutorial.
With this, let’s earn free money from our existing YouTube channel, websites or Twitch channel.

The Complete Guide to Setup Brave Publisher account & Earn BAT Crypto Token

Here is how to get started.
  • Head over to Brave publisher page and create an account
  • With a single account, you can add and manage your multiple websites, Twitch channel and YouTube channel

Visit : for more info.