Crypto Faucet Rotator

// ==UserScript== // @name Hourly Faucets Crypto Rotator // @namespace Hourly Faucets Crypto Rotator // @version 0.5 // @description Auto Login Hourly Faucet Rotator // @author engageub // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @connect // @connect // @connect // @connect // @connect // @connect // @connect // @connect // @connect // @connect // @connect // @connect // @connect // @connect // @connect // @connect // @connect // @connect // @connect // @connect // @connect // @connect // @connect // @connect // @connect // @connect // @connect // @noframes // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest // ==/UserScript== (function() { 'use strict'; //Do not run if it is a pop up window if({ return; } //========================================================================================================================== //List of the faucet websites //Comment the lines of url if you don't use them //Enter your login and password if you wish you login automatically //You need to be careful while inputting the login and password in order to avoid account locks var websiteData = [ {url : "", login: "", password: ""}, // Ex: login: "", password: "test@123" {url : "", login: "", password: ""}, {url : "", login: "", password: ""}, {url : "", login: "", password: ""}, {url : "", login: "", password: ""}, {url : "", login: "", password: ""}, {url : "", login: "", password: ""}, {url : "", login: "", password: ""}, {url : "", login: "", password: ""}, {url : "", login: "", password: ""}, {url : "", login: "", password: ""}, {url : "", login: "", password: ""}, {url : "", login: "", password: ""}, {url : "", login: "", password: ""}, {url : "", login: "", password: ""}, {url : "", login: "", password: ""}, {url : "", login: "", password: ""}, {url : "", login: "", password: ""}, {url : "", login: "", password: ""}, {url : "", login: "", password: ""}, {url : "", login: "", password: ""}, {url : "", login: "", password: ""}, {url : "", login: "", password: ""}, {url : "", login: "", password: ""}, {url : "", login: "", password: ""}, {url : "", login: "", password: ""}, ]; //========================================================================================================================== //Message selectors are for success or failure to move on to the next website //Add only domain name in website as mentioned below. Follow the same pattern. //Use arrays wherever it is required //Login Selectors are in the format email,password and button var websiteMap = [ {website : ["","", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""], defaultButtonSelectors: [""], loginSelectors:["",".form-control.password",""], allMessageSelectors: [".alert.alert-success",".alert.alert-danger",".result"], timeoutMessageSelectors: [".timeout-wrapper .seconds .digits", ".timeout-wrapper .minutes .digits"], messagesToCheckBeforeMovingToNextUrl: ["You must to wait","has been sent","You have received", "countdown to next roll"]}, {website : ["",""], loginSelectors:["#loginform .form-control[type=email]","#loginform .form-control[type=password]","#loginbutton"], loginCaptcha : true, captchaButtonSubmitSelectors: ["#loginbutton","#roll",".btn.btn-success"], allMessageSelectors: [".alert.alert-success",".alert.alert-danger",".result"], timeoutMessageSelectors: ["#cislo1","#cislo2"], messagesToCheckBeforeMovingToNextUrl: ["You must to wait","has been sent","You have received"]}, {website : ["",""], loginSelectors:["#inputEmail","#inputPassword","#login_button"], loginCaptcha : true, captchaButtonSubmitSelectors: ["#login_button",".btn.btn-info:last-of-type"], allMessageSelectors: [".alert.alert-success",".alert.alert-danger",".result", "#modal_header_msg"], timeoutMessageSelectors: ["#cislo1","#cislo2"], messagesToCheckBeforeMovingToNextUrl: ["You must to wait","has been sent","You have received"]}, {website : [""], loginSelectors:["#login_form_btc_address","#login_form_password","#login_button"], captchaButtonSubmitSelectors: ["#free_play_form_button"], allMessageSelectors: [".alert.alert-success",".alert.alert-danger",".result"], timeoutMessageSelectors: ["#time_remaining"], messagesToCheckBeforeMovingToNextUrl: ["You must to wait","has been sent","You have received"]}, {website : ["", "", ""], defaultButtonSelectors: ["a[href='login']"], loginSelectors:["input[type=text]","input[type=password]","input[type=submit]"], captchaButtonSubmitSelectors: [".btn.btn-primary"], allMessageSelectors: [".alert.alert-success",".alert.alert-danger", "#newClaim"], timeoutMessageSelectors: ["#time_remaining"], messagesToCheckBeforeMovingToNextUrl: ["You must to wait","You have won","You have received"], additionalFunctions: usdFaucets}, {website : [""], beforeLoginButton: ["#navbarsExampleDefault > ul.nav.navbar-nav.navbar-right > li:nth-child(3) > a"], loginSelectors: ["input[type=text]", "input[type=password]", "button[type=submit]"], loginCaptcha : true, defaultButtonSelectors: [], toggleCaptchaSelector:[".form-control.form-control-sm.custom-select.mb-1"], toggleCaptchaSelectorIndex: 1, captchaButtonSubmitSelectors: ["button[type=submit]","button[type=button]", "",".btn.btn-primary.btn-block.btn-lg"], allMessageSelectors: [".alert.alert-success",".alert.alert-danger"], messagesToCheckBeforeMovingToNextUrl: ["can claim again","you won"], timeoutbeforeMovingToNextUrl: 160000}, {website : [""], defaultButtonSelectors:["#roll-button"], allMessageSelectors: [".alert.alert-success",".alert.alert-danger",".result"], timeoutMessageSelectors: ["#time_remaining"], messagesToCheckBeforeMovingToNextUrl: ["You must to wait","has been sent","You have received"], timeoutbeforeMovingToNextUrl: 16000}, ]; //HtmlEvents dispatcher function triggerEvent(el, type) { try{ var e = document.createEvent('HTMLEvents'); e.initEvent(type, false, true); el.dispatchEvent(e); }catch(exception){ console.log(exception); } } function toggleCaptcha(selector, index){ if( document.querySelector(selector)){ document.querySelector(selector).selectedIndex = index; } var targetNode = document.querySelector(selector); if (targetNode) { setTimeout(function() { triggerEvent(targetNode, 'change'); }, 5000); } } //Check if a string is present in Array String.prototype.includesOneOf = function(arrayOfStrings) { //If this is not an Array, compare it as a String if (!Array.isArray(arrayOfStrings)) { return this.toLowerCase().includes(arrayOfStrings.toLowerCase()); } for (var i = 0; i < arrayOfStrings.length; i++) { if (this.toLowerCase().includes(arrayOfStrings[i].toLowerCase())) { return true; } } return false; } var websiteDataValues = {}; //Get selector details from the websiteMap for (let value of Object.values(websiteMap)) { if(window.location.href.includesOneOf({ websiteDataValues.beforeLoginButton = value.beforeLoginButton; websiteDataValues.inputTextSelector= value.inputTextSelector; websiteDataValues.inputTextSelectorButton = value.inputTextSelectorButton; websiteDataValues.defaultButtonSelectors = value.defaultButtonSelectors; websiteDataValues.claimButtonSelector = value.claimButtonSelector; websiteDataValues.captchaButtonSubmitSelectors = value.captchaButtonSubmitSelectors; websiteDataValues.loginSelectors = value.loginSelectors; websiteDataValues.loginCaptcha = value.loginCaptcha; websiteDataValues.allMessageSelectors = value.allMessageSelectors; websiteDataValues.messagesToCheckBeforeMovingToNextUrl = value.messagesToCheckBeforeMovingToNextUrl; websiteDataValues.withdrawPageUrl = value.withdrawPageUrl; websiteDataValues.withdrawEnabled = value.withdrawEnabled; websiteDataValues.balanceSelector = value.balanceSelector; websiteDataValues.withdrawMinAmount = value.withdrawMinAmount; websiteDataValues.successMessageSelectors = value.successMessageSelectors; websiteDataValues.toggleCaptchaSelector = value.toggleCaptchaSelector; websiteDataValues.toggleCaptchaSelectorIndex = value.toggleCaptchaSelectorIndex; websiteDataValues.timeoutbeforeMovingToNextUrl = value.timeoutbeforeMovingToNextUrl; websiteDataValues.timeoutMessageSelectors = value.timeoutMessageSelectors; websiteDataValues.additionalFunctions = value.additionalFunctions; break; } } //Identify which coin to input, based on the url input //If the URL does not contain the coin, then use the default from the domain name var count = 0; var addressAssigned = false; for (let value of Object.values(websiteData)) { count = count + 1; if(window.location.href.includes("/" + value.regex)){ addressAssigned = true; break; } } var login = ""; var password = ""; //If URL does not have coin, check the default from the domain name if(!addressAssigned){ count = 0; for (let value of Object.values(websiteData)) { count = count + 1; if(value.url.includes(window.location.hostname)){ login = value.login; password = value.password; break; } } } //Get the next Url from the website data map async function getNextUrl(){ //Go to the beginning if the end of the array is reached if(count >= websiteData.length){ websiteDataValues.nextUrl = websiteData[0].url; }else{ websiteDataValues.nextUrl = websiteData[count].url; } //Ping Test to check if a website is up before proceeding to next url pingTest(websiteDataValues.nextUrl); } var isNextUrlReachable = false; //Get the next Url from the website function pingTest(websiteUrl) { GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: "GET", url: websiteUrl, headers: { "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" }, timeout: 5000, onload: function(response) { //Website is reachable isNextUrlReachable = true; }, onerror: function(e) { count=count+1; getNextUrl(); }, ontimeout: function() { count=count+1; getNextUrl(); }, }); } async function delay(ms) { return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms)) } var movingToNextUrl = false; async function goToNextUrl() { if(!movingToNextUrl){ movingToNextUrl = true; getNextUrl(); while (!isNextUrlReachable) { await delay(3000); } window.location.href = websiteDataValues.nextUrl; } } async function goToWithdrawPage() { if(!movingToNextUrl){ movingToNextUrl = true; window.location.href = websiteDataValues.withdrawPageUrl; } } //Default Setting: After 120 seconds go to next Url var delayBeforeMovingToNextUrl = 120000; if(websiteDataValues.timeoutbeforeMovingToNextUrl){ delayBeforeMovingToNextUrl = websiteDataValues.timeoutbeforeMovingToNextUrl; } setTimeout(function(){ goToNextUrl(); },delayBeforeMovingToNextUrl); function checkTimeoutMessageSelectors(){ if(websiteDataValues.timeoutMessageSelectors){ var checkTimeoutInterval = setInterval(function(){ for(let i=0; i< websiteDataValues.timeoutMessageSelectors.length; i++){ if(document.querySelector(websiteDataValues.timeoutMessageSelectors[i]) && document.querySelector(websiteDataValues.timeoutMessageSelectors[i]).innerText.length > 1) { goToNextUrl(); clearInterval(checkTimeoutInterval); break; } } },5000); } } //Returns true if message selectors are present function messageSelectorsPresent(){ if(websiteDataValues.allMessageSelectors){ for(var j=0;j 0 && password.length > 0){ //Input Login document.querySelector(websiteDataValues.loginSelectors[0]).value = login; //Input Password document.querySelector(websiteDataValues.loginSelectors[1]).value = password; //Click Login Button (No Captcha before login button) if(!websiteDataValues.loginCaptcha){ movingToNextUrl = true; document.querySelector(websiteDataValues.loginSelectors[2]).click(); } } } } } //Special Usecase for Recaptcha Login var callbackDefinedForRecaptcha = false; for(let i=0; i< document.querySelectorAll(".g-recaptcha").length;i++){ if(document.querySelectorAll(".g-recaptcha")[i].getAttribute("data-callback")){ var currentCallback = document.querySelectorAll(".g-recaptcha")[i].getAttribute("data-callback"); let script_callback= document.createElement('script'); script_callback.type= 'text/javascript'; script_callback.innerText = 'var recaptcha_callback' + i + ' = function(response){currentCallback(response); document.querySelector(".g-recaptcha").setAttribute("value",response)}'; let body = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]; body.appendChild(script_callback); document.querySelectorAll(".g-recaptcha")[i].setAttribute("data-callback","recaptcha_callback"+i); }else{ if(!callbackDefinedForRecaptcha){ callbackDefinedForRecaptcha = true; let script_callback= document.createElement('script'); script_callback.type= 'text/javascript'; script_callback.innerText = 'var recaptcha_callback = function(response){ document.querySelector(".g-recaptcha").setAttribute("value",response)}'; let body = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]; body.appendChild(script_callback); } document.querySelectorAll(".g-recaptcha")[i].setAttribute("data-callback","recaptcha_callback"); } } checkTimeoutMessageSelectors(); function usdFaucets(){ if(window.location.href.includes("dashboard")){ if(document.querySelector("a[href='faucet']")){ movingToNextUrl = true; document.querySelector("a[href='faucet']").click(); } } } setTimeout(function(){ if(!movingToNextUrl && websiteDataValues.beforeLoginButton){ for(let i=0;i websiteDataValues.withdrawMinAmount && !window.location.href.includes(websiteDataValues.withdrawPageUrl)) { goToWithdrawPage(); } }else{ if(successMessageSelectorsPresent()){ goToWithdrawPage(); } } } //Look for all the default messages or errors before proceeding to next url //For other languages difference in the length of the strings can be compared or visibility of the style element if(!movingToNextUrl && messageSelectorsPresent()){ goToNextUrl(); } //Check for all the default button selectors and click //This will only click the first selector found, so mention the selectors with parent element wherever required if(!movingToNextUrl && websiteDataValues.defaultButtonSelectors){ for(let i=0;i 0 || document.querySelector(".g-recaptcha").getAttribute("value").length > 0){ if(websiteDataValues.captchaButtonSubmitSelectors){ for(let i=0;i< websiteDataValues.captchaButtonSubmitSelectors.length;i++){ if(document.querySelector(websiteDataValues.captchaButtonSubmitSelectors[i])){ document.querySelector(websiteDataValues.captchaButtonSubmitSelectors[i]).click(); } } } clicked = true; clearInterval(captchaInterval); setTimeout(function(){ if(messageSelectorsPresent()){ goToNextUrl(); } },5000); } }catch(e){ } for(var hc=0; hc < document.querySelectorAll("iframe").length; hc++){ if(! clicked && document.querySelectorAll("iframe")[hc] && document.querySelectorAll("iframe")[hc].getAttribute("data-hcaptcha-response") && document.querySelectorAll("iframe")[hc].getAttribute("data-hcaptcha-response").length > 0) { if(websiteDataValues.captchaButtonSubmitSelectors){ for(let i=0;i< websiteDataValues.captchaButtonSubmitSelectors.length;i++){ if(document.querySelector(websiteDataValues.captchaButtonSubmitSelectors[i])){ document.querySelector(websiteDataValues.captchaButtonSubmitSelectors[i]).click(); } } } clicked = true; clearInterval(captchaInterval); setTimeout(function(){ if(messageSelectorsPresent()){ goToNextUrl(); } },5000); } } },5000); },7000); })();

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

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