Crypto Faucet Rotator

// ==UserScript== // @name Hourly Faucets Crypto Rotator // @namespace Hourly Faucets Crypto Rotator // @version 0.5 // @description Auto Login Hourly Faucet Rotator // @author engageub // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @connect // @connect // @connect // @connect // @connect // @connect // @connect // @connect // @connect // @connect // @connect // @connect // @connect // @connect // @connect // @connect // @connect // @connect // @connect // @connect // @connect // @connect // @connect // @connect // @connect // @connect // @connect // @noframes // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest // ==/UserScript== (function() { 'use strict'; //Do not run if it is a pop up window if({ return; } //========================================================================================================================== //List of the faucet websites //Comment the lines of url if you don't use them //Enter your login and password if you wish you login automatically //You need to be careful while inputting the login and password in order to avoid account locks var websiteData = [ {url : "", login: "", password: ""}, // Ex: login: "", password: "test@123" {url : "", login: "", password: ""}, {url : "", login: "", password: ""}, {url : "", login: "", password: ""}, {url : "", login: "", password: ""}, {url : "", login: "", password: ""}, {url : "", login: "", password: ""}, {url : "", login: "", password: ""}, {url : "", login: "", password: ""}, {url : "", login: "", password: ""}, {url : "", login: "", password: ""}, {url : "", login: "", password: ""}, {url : "", login: "", password: ""}, {url : "", login: "", password: ""}, {url : "", login: "", password: ""}, {url : "", login: "", password: ""}, {url : "", login: "", password: ""}, {url : "", login: "", password: ""}, {url : "", login: "", password: ""}, {url : "", login: "", password: ""}, {url : "", login: "", password: ""}, {url : "", login: "", password: ""}, {url : "", login: "", password: ""}, {url : "", login: "", password: ""}, {url : "", login: "", password: ""}, {url : "", login: "", password: ""}, ]; //========================================================================================================================== //Message selectors are for success or failure to move on to the next website //Add only domain name in website as mentioned below. Follow the same pattern. //Use arrays wherever it is required //Login Selectors are in the format email,password and button var websiteMap = [ {website : ["","", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""], defaultButtonSelectors: [""], loginSelectors:["",".form-control.password",""], allMessageSelectors: [".alert.alert-success",".alert.alert-danger",".result"], timeoutMessageSelectors: [".timeout-wrapper .seconds .digits", ".timeout-wrapper .minutes .digits"], messagesToCheckBeforeMovingToNextUrl: ["You must to wait","has been sent","You have received", "countdown to next roll"]}, {website : ["",""], loginSelectors:["#loginform .form-control[type=email]","#loginform .form-control[type=password]","#loginbutton"], loginCaptcha : true, captchaButtonSubmitSelectors: ["#loginbutton","#roll",".btn.btn-success"], allMessageSelectors: [".alert.alert-success",".alert.alert-danger",".result"], timeoutMessageSelectors: ["#cislo1","#cislo2"], messagesToCheckBeforeMovingToNextUrl: ["You must to wait","has been sent","You have received"]}, {website : ["",""], loginSelectors:["#inputEmail","#inputPassword","#login_button"], loginCaptcha : true, captchaButtonSubmitSelectors: ["#login_button",".btn.btn-info:last-of-type"], allMessageSelectors: [".alert.alert-success",".alert.alert-danger",".result", "#modal_header_msg"], timeoutMessageSelectors: ["#cislo1","#cislo2"], messagesToCheckBeforeMovingToNextUrl: ["You must to wait","has been sent","You have received"]}, {website : [""], loginSelectors:["#login_form_btc_address","#login_form_password","#login_button"], captchaButtonSubmitSelectors: ["#free_play_form_button"], allMessageSelectors: [".alert.alert-success",".alert.alert-danger",".result"], timeoutMessageSelectors: ["#time_remaining"], messagesToCheckBeforeMovingToNextUrl: ["You must to wait","has been sent","You have received"]}, {website : ["", "", ""], defaultButtonSelectors: ["a[href='login']"], loginSelectors:["input[type=text]","input[type=password]","input[type=submit]"], captchaButtonSubmitSelectors: [".btn.btn-primary"], allMessageSelectors: [".alert.alert-success",".alert.alert-danger", "#newClaim"], timeoutMessageSelectors: ["#time_remaining"], messagesToCheckBeforeMovingToNextUrl: ["You must to wait","You have won","You have received"], additionalFunctions: usdFaucets}, {website : [""], beforeLoginButton: ["#navbarsExampleDefault > ul.nav.navbar-nav.navbar-right > li:nth-child(3) > a"], loginSelectors: ["input[type=text]", "input[type=password]", "button[type=submit]"], loginCaptcha : true, defaultButtonSelectors: [], toggleCaptchaSelector:[".form-control.form-control-sm.custom-select.mb-1"], toggleCaptchaSelectorIndex: 1, captchaButtonSubmitSelectors: ["button[type=submit]","button[type=button]", "",".btn.btn-primary.btn-block.btn-lg"], allMessageSelectors: [".alert.alert-success",".alert.alert-danger"], messagesToCheckBeforeMovingToNextUrl: ["can claim again","you won"], timeoutbeforeMovingToNextUrl: 160000}, {website : [""], defaultButtonSelectors:["#roll-button"], allMessageSelectors: [".alert.alert-success",".alert.alert-danger",".result"], timeoutMessageSelectors: ["#time_remaining"], messagesToCheckBeforeMovingToNextUrl: ["You must to wait","has been sent","You have received"], timeoutbeforeMovingToNextUrl: 16000}, ]; //HtmlEvents dispatcher function triggerEvent(el, type) { try{ var e = document.createEvent('HTMLEvents'); e.initEvent(type, false, true); el.dispatchEvent(e); }catch(exception){ console.log(exception); } } function toggleCaptcha(selector, index){ if( document.querySelector(selector)){ document.querySelector(selector).selectedIndex = index; } var targetNode = document.querySelector(selector); if (targetNode) { setTimeout(function() { triggerEvent(targetNode, 'change'); }, 5000); } } //Check if a string is present in Array String.prototype.includesOneOf = function(arrayOfStrings) { //If this is not an Array, compare it as a String if (!Array.isArray(arrayOfStrings)) { return this.toLowerCase().includes(arrayOfStrings.toLowerCase()); } for (var i = 0; i < arrayOfStrings.length; i++) { if (this.toLowerCase().includes(arrayOfStrings[i].toLowerCase())) { return true; } } return false; } var websiteDataValues = {}; //Get selector details from the websiteMap for (let value of Object.values(websiteMap)) { if(window.location.href.includesOneOf({ websiteDataValues.beforeLoginButton = value.beforeLoginButton; websiteDataValues.inputTextSelector= value.inputTextSelector; websiteDataValues.inputTextSelectorButton = value.inputTextSelectorButton; websiteDataValues.defaultButtonSelectors = value.defaultButtonSelectors; websiteDataValues.claimButtonSelector = value.claimButtonSelector; websiteDataValues.captchaButtonSubmitSelectors = value.captchaButtonSubmitSelectors; websiteDataValues.loginSelectors = value.loginSelectors; websiteDataValues.loginCaptcha = value.loginCaptcha; websiteDataValues.allMessageSelectors = value.allMessageSelectors; websiteDataValues.messagesToCheckBeforeMovingToNextUrl = value.messagesToCheckBeforeMovingToNextUrl; websiteDataValues.withdrawPageUrl = value.withdrawPageUrl; websiteDataValues.withdrawEnabled = value.withdrawEnabled; websiteDataValues.balanceSelector = value.balanceSelector; websiteDataValues.withdrawMinAmount = value.withdrawMinAmount; websiteDataValues.successMessageSelectors = value.successMessageSelectors; websiteDataValues.toggleCaptchaSelector = value.toggleCaptchaSelector; websiteDataValues.toggleCaptchaSelectorIndex = value.toggleCaptchaSelectorIndex; websiteDataValues.timeoutbeforeMovingToNextUrl = value.timeoutbeforeMovingToNextUrl; websiteDataValues.timeoutMessageSelectors = value.timeoutMessageSelectors; websiteDataValues.additionalFunctions = value.additionalFunctions; break; } } //Identify which coin to input, based on the url input //If the URL does not contain the coin, then use the default from the domain name var count = 0; var addressAssigned = false; for (let value of Object.values(websiteData)) { count = count + 1; if(window.location.href.includes("/" + value.regex)){ addressAssigned = true; break; } } var login = ""; var password = ""; //If URL does not have coin, check the default from the domain name if(!addressAssigned){ count = 0; for (let value of Object.values(websiteData)) { count = count + 1; if(value.url.includes(window.location.hostname)){ login = value.login; password = value.password; break; } } } //Get the next Url from the website data map async function getNextUrl(){ //Go to the beginning if the end of the array is reached if(count >= websiteData.length){ websiteDataValues.nextUrl = websiteData[0].url; }else{ websiteDataValues.nextUrl = websiteData[count].url; } //Ping Test to check if a website is up before proceeding to next url pingTest(websiteDataValues.nextUrl); } var isNextUrlReachable = false; //Get the next Url from the website function pingTest(websiteUrl) { GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: "GET", url: websiteUrl, headers: { "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" }, timeout: 5000, onload: function(response) { //Website is reachable isNextUrlReachable = true; }, onerror: function(e) { count=count+1; getNextUrl(); }, ontimeout: function() { count=count+1; getNextUrl(); }, }); } async function delay(ms) { return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms)) } var movingToNextUrl = false; async function goToNextUrl() { if(!movingToNextUrl){ movingToNextUrl = true; getNextUrl(); while (!isNextUrlReachable) { await delay(3000); } window.location.href = websiteDataValues.nextUrl; } } async function goToWithdrawPage() { if(!movingToNextUrl){ movingToNextUrl = true; window.location.href = websiteDataValues.withdrawPageUrl; } } //Default Setting: After 120 seconds go to next Url var delayBeforeMovingToNextUrl = 120000; if(websiteDataValues.timeoutbeforeMovingToNextUrl){ delayBeforeMovingToNextUrl = websiteDataValues.timeoutbeforeMovingToNextUrl; } setTimeout(function(){ goToNextUrl(); },delayBeforeMovingToNextUrl); function checkTimeoutMessageSelectors(){ if(websiteDataValues.timeoutMessageSelectors){ var checkTimeoutInterval = setInterval(function(){ for(let i=0; i< websiteDataValues.timeoutMessageSelectors.length; i++){ if(document.querySelector(websiteDataValues.timeoutMessageSelectors[i]) && document.querySelector(websiteDataValues.timeoutMessageSelectors[i]).innerText.length > 1) { goToNextUrl(); clearInterval(checkTimeoutInterval); break; } } },5000); } } //Returns true if message selectors are present function messageSelectorsPresent(){ if(websiteDataValues.allMessageSelectors){ for(var j=0;j 0 && password.length > 0){ //Input Login document.querySelector(websiteDataValues.loginSelectors[0]).value = login; //Input Password document.querySelector(websiteDataValues.loginSelectors[1]).value = password; //Click Login Button (No Captcha before login button) if(!websiteDataValues.loginCaptcha){ movingToNextUrl = true; document.querySelector(websiteDataValues.loginSelectors[2]).click(); } } } } } //Special Usecase for Recaptcha Login var callbackDefinedForRecaptcha = false; for(let i=0; i< document.querySelectorAll(".g-recaptcha").length;i++){ if(document.querySelectorAll(".g-recaptcha")[i].getAttribute("data-callback")){ var currentCallback = document.querySelectorAll(".g-recaptcha")[i].getAttribute("data-callback"); let script_callback= document.createElement('script'); script_callback.type= 'text/javascript'; script_callback.innerText = 'var recaptcha_callback' + i + ' = function(response){currentCallback(response); document.querySelector(".g-recaptcha").setAttribute("value",response)}'; let body = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]; body.appendChild(script_callback); document.querySelectorAll(".g-recaptcha")[i].setAttribute("data-callback","recaptcha_callback"+i); }else{ if(!callbackDefinedForRecaptcha){ callbackDefinedForRecaptcha = true; let script_callback= document.createElement('script'); script_callback.type= 'text/javascript'; script_callback.innerText = 'var recaptcha_callback = function(response){ document.querySelector(".g-recaptcha").setAttribute("value",response)}'; let body = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]; body.appendChild(script_callback); } document.querySelectorAll(".g-recaptcha")[i].setAttribute("data-callback","recaptcha_callback"); } } checkTimeoutMessageSelectors(); function usdFaucets(){ if(window.location.href.includes("dashboard")){ if(document.querySelector("a[href='faucet']")){ movingToNextUrl = true; document.querySelector("a[href='faucet']").click(); } } } setTimeout(function(){ if(!movingToNextUrl && websiteDataValues.beforeLoginButton){ for(let i=0;i websiteDataValues.withdrawMinAmount && !window.location.href.includes(websiteDataValues.withdrawPageUrl)) { goToWithdrawPage(); } }else{ if(successMessageSelectorsPresent()){ goToWithdrawPage(); } } } //Look for all the default messages or errors before proceeding to next url //For other languages difference in the length of the strings can be compared or visibility of the style element if(!movingToNextUrl && messageSelectorsPresent()){ goToNextUrl(); } //Check for all the default button selectors and click //This will only click the first selector found, so mention the selectors with parent element wherever required if(!movingToNextUrl && websiteDataValues.defaultButtonSelectors){ for(let i=0;i 0 || document.querySelector(".g-recaptcha").getAttribute("value").length > 0){ if(websiteDataValues.captchaButtonSubmitSelectors){ for(let i=0;i< websiteDataValues.captchaButtonSubmitSelectors.length;i++){ if(document.querySelector(websiteDataValues.captchaButtonSubmitSelectors[i])){ document.querySelector(websiteDataValues.captchaButtonSubmitSelectors[i]).click(); } } } clicked = true; clearInterval(captchaInterval); setTimeout(function(){ if(messageSelectorsPresent()){ goToNextUrl(); } },5000); } }catch(e){ } for(var hc=0; hc < document.querySelectorAll("iframe").length; hc++){ if(! clicked && document.querySelectorAll("iframe")[hc] && document.querySelectorAll("iframe")[hc].getAttribute("data-hcaptcha-response") && document.querySelectorAll("iframe")[hc].getAttribute("data-hcaptcha-response").length > 0) { if(websiteDataValues.captchaButtonSubmitSelectors){ for(let i=0;i< websiteDataValues.captchaButtonSubmitSelectors.length;i++){ if(document.querySelector(websiteDataValues.captchaButtonSubmitSelectors[i])){ document.querySelector(websiteDataValues.captchaButtonSubmitSelectors[i]).click(); } } } clicked = true; clearInterval(captchaInterval); setTimeout(function(){ if(messageSelectorsPresent()){ goToNextUrl(); } },5000); } } },5000); },7000); })();

Friday, August 16, 2019

Watch Hello, Love, Goodbye Full HD Movie with English Subtitles | Free download!

Free download Hello, Love, Goodbye Full HD Movie with English Subtitles! See below link!

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😍 Watch Hello, Love, Goodbye '((Full✓Movie))' Online Free The film centers on the love story of Joy (Bernardo) and Ethan (Richards), Filipino workers based in Hong Kong. Ethan, a bartender, is keen on romantically pursuing Joy, a domestic helper ... 
[[Full~Online]] #Hello, Love, Goodbye 
Director: Cathy Garcia-Molina 
Writer: N/A 
Rating: N/A 
Release Date: 31 Jul 2019 
Genre: Drama, Romance 

Runtime: N/A 
Actors: Kathryn Bernardo, Alden Richards, Maymay Entrata, Maricel Laxa 
Company: N/A 
Country: Philippines 
IMDB Rating: N/A 

Watch Hello, Love, Goodbye In HD Quality 
Watch Hello, Love, Goodbye HD - 720p 1510 Kb/s WATCH 
Watch Hello, Love, Goodbye HD - 1080p 528 Kb/s WATCH 

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❄Watch Hello, Love, Goodbye Movie WEB-DL This is a file losslessly ripped from a streaming service, such as Netflix, Amazon Video, Hulu, Crunchyroll, Discovery GO, BBC iPlayer, etc. This is also a movie or TV show downloaded via an online distribution website, such as iTunes. The quality is quite good since they are not re-encoded. The video (H.264 or H.265) and audio (AC3/Hello, Love, Goodbye C) streams are usually extracted from the iTunes or Amazon Video and then remuxed into a MKV container without sacrificing quality. 

❊Download Movie Hello, Love, Goodbye One of the movie streaming industry’s largest impacts has been on the DVD industry, which effectively met its demise with the mass popularization of online content. The rise of media streaming has caused the downfall of many DVD rental companies such as Blockbuster. In July 2015 an article from the New York Times published an article about Netflix’s DVD services. It stated that Netflix is continuing their DVD services with 5.3 million subscribers, which is a significant drop from the previous year. On the other hand, their streaming services have 65 million members. In a March 2016 study assessing the “Impact of Movie Streaming over traditional DVD Movie Rental” it was found that respondents do not purchase DVD movies nearly as much anymore, if ever, as streaming has taken over the market. Watch Movie Hello, Love, Goodbye , viewers did not find movie quality to be significantly different between DVD and online streaming. Issues that respondents believed needed improvement with movie streaming included functions of fast forwarding or rewinding, as well as search functions. The article highlights that the quality of movie streaming as an industry will only increase in time, as advertising revenue continues to soar on a yearly basis throughout the industry, providing incentive for quality content production. 

✷Watch Hello, Love, Goodbye Movie Online Blu-ray or Bluray rips are encoded directly from the Blu-ray disc to 1080p or 720p (depending on disc source), and use the x264 codec. They can be ripped from BD25 or BD50 discs (or UHD Blu-ray at higher resolutions). BDRips are from a Blu-ray disc and encoded to a lower resolution from its source (i.e. 1080p to 720p/576p/480p). A BRRip is an already encoded video at an HD resolution (usually 1080p) that is then transcoded to a SD resolution. Watch Hello, Love, Goodbye Movie BD/BRRip in DVDRip resolution looks better, regardless, because the encode is from a higher quality source. BRRips are only from an HD resolution to a SD resolution whereas BDRips can go from 2160p to 1080p, etc as long as they go downward in resolution of the source disc. Watch Hello, Love, Goodbye Movie FullBDRip is not a transcode and can fluxate downward for encoding, but BRRip can only go down to SD resolutions as they are transcoded. BD/BRRips in DVDRip resolutions can vary between XviD or x264 codecs (commonly 700 MB and 1.5 GB in size as well as larger DVD5 or DVD9: 4.5 GB or 8.4GB), size fluctuates depending on length and quality of releases, but the higher the size the more likely they use the x264 codec. Download Hello, Love, Goodbye Movie HDRip 

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